Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Look whos back! XD

I'm so so so sorry for not blogging these past few days..
Been too damn busy ='(

Time to catch up! XD

I had a crazy CRAZY daY! =D

So I was done with my work early today and my friends left me waiting for some Aditya (The one who has assignments for me)....
I went to get some icecream and this guy started hitting on me outta nowhere =s
Him: Hi!
Me: Err.. Hi!
Him: Can I buy you a cup of tea?
Me: *waved icecream in his face*
Him: Oh, Can I buy you that?
Me: I got it already
Him: Can I pay for it?
Him: Lemme buy that for you *takes out wallet*
Me: WTF. You're giving me money! What do u think I am??
Him: ...Ooops sorry... =p hahaha
I took the assignments and he left to another direction...."Thank God" "chirkut !

THEN I got hit by a fucking car!!
Was having icecream, reading and walking at the same time..
Got away with a couple of scratches and bruises..
Now I'm limping like a bloody zombie =/ (BRRRAAAAIIIIINNSSSSSSSS!)

On the plus side, I did threaten the driver to sue unless he bought me an icecream! He thought I had had a concussion ;) LOL...and guess what??? he was damn damn handsome....ahaaaa....

Then Got home by 11 =/ had some dinner and as usual facebooking n twitting and blogging....Well, today i came across one FB friend of mine....quite interesting...No ideaz pls...just a frn....

How was your day??
I hope it wasn't as interesting as mine! =p

Oh and just a headsup; I MIGHT be tripple blogging tomorrow.. Only if I find my data cable =(...loads of photographs to be displayed....


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