Always smile like you have never cried
Always smile because your beautiful inside
Always smile like you have never lied
Always smile because your filled with pride
Always smile like there is no place to hide
Always smile because you like the things you hear
Always smile because you want to spread a little cheer
Always smile even if you have a lot of fears
Always smile because Someone, some where love's you, my dear!
Always keep smiling !
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So I was tagged by @sunny
If I were a month, I'd be February.
If I were a day of the week, I'd be Sunday.
If I were a time of day, I'd be 3AM.
If I were a planet, I'd be Venus.
If I were a sea animal, I'd be a mermaid (SHUT UP! THEY DO EXIST!)
If I were a direction, I'd be North East.
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be a window.
If I were a liquid, I'd be pepsi.
If I were a gemstone, I'd be Ruby.
If I were a tree, I'd be an oak tree.
If I were a flower, I'd be a rose bud.
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be a thunderstorm.
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be the drums
If I were a color, I'd be VIBGYOR.
If I were an emotion, I'd be excitement
If I were a fruit, I'd be a cherry.
If I were a sound, I'd be a giggle.
If I were an element, I'd be fire.
If I were a car, I would be a car.
If I were a food, I’d be chocolate...yum..yum..yummy
If I were a material, I'd be satin.
If I were a scent, I'd be smell of markers.
If I were an object, I'd be a fork.
If I were a body part, I'd be the Lips.
If I were a facial expression, I'd be a smile with 2 dimples.
If I were a song, I'd be LOUD.
If I were a pair of shoes, I'd be stilletos.
If I were a kiss, I'd be a flying kiss.
If I were a smile, I'd be toothy
Woke up at 10 and cleaned the fridge
Then made lunch
Cleaned some more
No work so tried flirting with some Faceboo friends (D:)
Came home and helped with dinner
Cleaned my room
Made tea
And now finally time for Blogging
Okay, So far I've come up with nothing for the list of things I haven't done..
I COULD try not eating chocolates....
Gimme some ideas..!!
And I found an old notebook of mine with a couple of "stories" I wrote
Apparently 16 year old me was funny xD....
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Look whos back! XD
I'm so so so sorry for not blogging these past few days..
Been too damn busy ='(
Time to catch up! XD
I had a crazy CRAZY daY! =D
So I was done with my work early today and my friends left me waiting for some Aditya (The one who has assignments for me)....
I went to get some icecream and this guy started hitting on me outta nowhere =s
Him: Hi!
Me: Err.. Hi!
Him: Can I buy you a cup of tea?
Me: *waved icecream in his face*
Him: Oh, Can I buy you that?
Me: I got it already
Him: Can I pay for it?
Him: Lemme buy that for you *takes out wallet*
Me: WTF. You're giving me money! What do u think I am??
Him: ...Ooops sorry... =p hahaha
I took the assignments and he left to another direction...."Thank God" "chirkut !
THEN I got hit by a fucking car!!
Was having icecream, reading and walking at the same time..
Got away with a couple of scratches and bruises..
Now I'm limping like a bloody zombie =/ (BRRRAAAAIIIIINNSSSSSSSS!)
On the plus side, I did threaten the driver to sue unless he bought me an icecream! He thought I had had a concussion ;) LOL...and guess what??? he was damn damn handsome....ahaaaa....
Then Got home by 11 =/ had some dinner and as usual facebooking n twitting and blogging....Well, today i came across one FB friend of mine....quite interesting...No ideaz pls...just a frn....
How was your day??
I hope it wasn't as interesting as mine! =p
Oh and just a headsup; I MIGHT be tripple blogging tomorrow.. Only if I find my data cable =(...loads of photographs to be displayed....
I'm so so so sorry for not blogging these past few days..
Been too damn busy ='(
Time to catch up! XD
I had a crazy CRAZY daY! =D
So I was done with my work early today and my friends left me waiting for some Aditya (The one who has assignments for me)....
I went to get some icecream and this guy started hitting on me outta nowhere =s
Him: Hi!
Me: Err.. Hi!
Him: Can I buy you a cup of tea?
Me: *waved icecream in his face*
Him: Oh, Can I buy you that?
Me: I got it already
Him: Can I pay for it?
Him: Lemme buy that for you *takes out wallet*
Me: WTF. You're giving me money! What do u think I am??
Him: ...Ooops sorry... =p hahaha
I took the assignments and he left to another direction...."Thank God" "chirkut !
THEN I got hit by a fucking car!!
Was having icecream, reading and walking at the same time..
Got away with a couple of scratches and bruises..
Now I'm limping like a bloody zombie =/ (BRRRAAAAIIIIINNSSSSSSSS!)
On the plus side, I did threaten the driver to sue unless he bought me an icecream! He thought I had had a concussion ;) LOL...and guess what??? he was damn damn handsome....ahaaaa....
Then Got home by 11 =/ had some dinner and as usual facebooking n twitting and blogging....Well, today i came across one FB friend of mine....quite interesting...No ideaz pls...just a frn....
How was your day??
I hope it wasn't as interesting as mine! =p
Oh and just a headsup; I MIGHT be tripple blogging tomorrow.. Only if I find my data cable =(...loads of photographs to be displayed....
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Today I was caught up with some leggy beauty for a brief tete-a-tete
Busy round the corner, this week has bought bundles of model requirement for movies, documentaries, fashion shows, lingeries,Vj's, Mj's..bla..bla..bla.......especially female to be an aspirant model...
Today, I was caught with with some excellent models at Andheri west briefing them about the documentary movie to be shot in Jaipur from 09th February onwards. The movie made for "National Geographic"... Gosh ! I know how did I gathered these model in one night...Managing models and especially female models is not an easy task....They blow your brains...Ufffffffff........the nakhraas!
But, I believe Modelling or acting is not an easy task either....I'm in this Industry because I love to and I enjoy it...It make you look good and you get paid...This is the place where "Work is Socializing" and dude...who don't like to socialize?????and that too with pretty and handsome celebrities around you????It's an enjoyable lifestyle, very glamourous and exciting, but it's not easy. That's a common misconception, that models do nothing. We shortlisted models last night after midnight, and had to be here this morning by 8 am. We only get like four or five hours of sleep...grrrrrrrrrrrrr....Anyways love late night sleeps ;)
Getting ready for tomorrow as tomorrow is the selection process. Hope all my models get selected mean I'm damn sure they will.....
Today, I was caught with with some excellent models at Andheri west briefing them about the documentary movie to be shot in Jaipur from 09th February onwards. The movie made for "National Geographic"... Gosh ! I know how did I gathered these model in one night...Managing models and especially female models is not an easy task....They blow your brains...Ufffffffff........the nakhraas!
But, I believe Modelling or acting is not an easy task either....I'm in this Industry because I love to and I enjoy it...It make you look good and you get paid...This is the place where "Work is Socializing" and dude...who don't like to socialize?????and that too with pretty and handsome celebrities around you????It's an enjoyable lifestyle, very glamourous and exciting, but it's not easy. That's a common misconception, that models do nothing. We shortlisted models last night after midnight, and had to be here this morning by 8 am. We only get like four or five hours of sleep...grrrrrrrrrrrrr....Anyways love late night sleeps ;)
Getting ready for tomorrow as tomorrow is the selection process. Hope all my models get selected mean I'm damn sure they will.....
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Got tagged by one of my friend in do this quiz......
► Are you single ➔ YES ;;
► Are you happy ➔ yes
► Are you bored ➔ Never
► Are you sad ➔ Never
► Are you Italian ➔ Nope
► Are you German ➔ Nope
► Are you Asian ➔ I LIVE in Asia.. Does that make me Asian?
► Are you angry ➔ nope
► Are you Irish ➔ nope
► Are your parents still married ➔ Yes
► Birth Place ➔Mumbai, India
► Hair Color ➔ Undetermined! :p Dark Black at the moment
► Hair Style ➔ Don't have one
► Eye color ➔ Black
► Birthday ➔ 11th February
► Mood ➔ Happy (hehehahahaha..nomnomnomnom......)
► Gender ➔ Female
► Lefty or Righty ➔ Righty.. Though i was "both" when younger
► Summer or Winter ➔ Summer
► Morning or Afternoon ➔ night
► Are you in love ➔ Nope (unless chocolate and special friends counts)
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Dunno... Seems perfect in books yet superficial in real life =/
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Me
► Have you ever been hurt ➔ Not really
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Yeah...pls don't remind me......:(
► Are you friends with your ex ➔ Nope.. I'd throw something at him if I see him =/
► Are you afraid of commitment ➔ Not at all
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yeah
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Hahahaha Yes.. But isn't that a polite word for stalkers?? =p
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Loads of times.. I think I'm my own worst enemy :D
► Love or Lust ➔ Love <333>
► Are you happy ➔ yes
► Are you bored ➔ Never
► Are you sad ➔ Never
► Are you Italian ➔ Nope
► Are you German ➔ Nope
► Are you Asian ➔ I LIVE in Asia.. Does that make me Asian?
► Are you angry ➔ nope
► Are you Irish ➔ nope
► Are your parents still married ➔ Yes
► Birth Place ➔Mumbai, India
► Hair Color ➔ Undetermined! :p Dark Black at the moment
► Hair Style ➔ Don't have one
► Eye color ➔ Black
► Birthday ➔ 11th February
► Mood ➔ Happy (hehehahahaha..nomnomnomnom......)
► Gender ➔ Female
► Lefty or Righty ➔ Righty.. Though i was "both" when younger
► Summer or Winter ➔ Summer
► Morning or Afternoon ➔ night
► Are you in love ➔ Nope (unless chocolate and special friends counts)
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Dunno... Seems perfect in books yet superficial in real life =/
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Me
► Have you ever been hurt ➔ Not really
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Yeah...pls don't remind me......:(
► Are you friends with your ex ➔ Nope.. I'd throw something at him if I see him =/
► Are you afraid of commitment ➔ Not at all
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yeah
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Hahahaha Yes.. But isn't that a polite word for stalkers?? =p
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Loads of times.. I think I'm my own worst enemy :D
► Love or Lust ➔ Love <333>
► Lemonade or Ice tea ➔ Definitely Ice tea
► Cat or dogs ➔ Dogs
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ Best friends ...
► Television or Internet ➔ Internet for sure
► Pepsi or Coke ➔ PEPSI!!!
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Wild night out with friends and romantic night with BF xD
► Pink or Purple ➔ Pink
► Day or Night ➔ Night !!
► IM or Phone ➔Both
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ I dont think I ever sneaked out =o
► Fallen off the stairs ➔ Its part of my daily routine =p
► White water rafted ➔ Nope
► Finished an entire jawbreaker ➔ I havent had a jawbreaker ever =/
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Someone noo.. something YESS
► Prank called a store ➔ Nah
► Skipped School ➔ Loads of timess...
► Wanted to disappear ➔ LOTS OF TIMES... Especially in awkward situations
► Smile or Eyes ➔ Smile
► Light or Dark Hair ➔ Dark
► Fat or Skinny ➔ Average
► Shorter or Taller ➔ Taller
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Intelligence
► Jock or Nerd ➔ Nerd =p
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ RELATIONSHIP !
► Funny and poor OR Rich and serious ➔ Rich and serious .....
► Play the guitar or into sports ➔ Chess counts as sports right?? =p
► Last Phone Call/Text ➔ Karan...whats d update on casting????
► Last phone call you received ➔ Same as above ... ITS THE SAME QUESTION !!
► Last person you hung out with ➔ My cousin Rajeshwari
► Last person you hugged ➔ A distant aunt of mine who came over on Saturday (she tried to comvince my mum to get me married =/)
► Last person you IM'ed ➔ @Rajeshwari
► Television or Internet ➔ Internet for sure
► Pepsi or Coke ➔ PEPSI!!!
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Wild night out with friends and romantic night with BF xD
► Pink or Purple ➔ Pink
► Day or Night ➔ Night !!
► IM or Phone ➔Both
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ I dont think I ever sneaked out =o
► Fallen off the stairs ➔ Its part of my daily routine =p
► White water rafted ➔ Nope
► Finished an entire jawbreaker ➔ I havent had a jawbreaker ever =/
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Someone noo.. something YESS
► Prank called a store ➔ Nah
► Skipped School ➔ Loads of timess...
► Wanted to disappear ➔ LOTS OF TIMES... Especially in awkward situations
► Smile or Eyes ➔ Smile
► Light or Dark Hair ➔ Dark
► Fat or Skinny ➔ Average
► Shorter or Taller ➔ Taller
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Intelligence
► Jock or Nerd ➔ Nerd =p
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ RELATIONSHIP !
► Funny and poor OR Rich and serious ➔ Rich and serious .....
► Play the guitar or into sports ➔ Chess counts as sports right?? =p
► Last Phone Call/Text ➔ Karan...whats d update on casting????
► Last phone call you received ➔ Same as above ... ITS THE SAME QUESTION !!
► Last person you hung out with ➔ My cousin Rajeshwari
► Last person you hugged ➔ A distant aunt of mine who came over on Saturday (she tried to comvince my mum to get me married =/)
► Last person you IM'ed ➔ @Rajeshwari
► Last thing you ate ➔ Chocolate (Yumm)
► Last thing you drank ➔ Tea with cookies
► Last site you went to ➔k sera sera
► Last place you were ➔ My closet to get some chocolate
► Are you in a committed relationship ➔ Nope
► Do you want to be ➔ Not really...I guess m confused...yes
► When was your last relationship ➔ 4-5 years ago
► Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? ➔ Yes
► Do you still love them ➔ No way *shudders*...actually yes.....
► Do you like someone right now ➔ Hmnnn....No comments.....
► Do you and your family get along ➔ Pretty well surprisingly ► Would you say you have a "fucked up life"➔ Nope.. I <3>
► Last site you went to ➔k sera sera
► Last place you were ➔ My closet to get some chocolate
► Are you in a committed relationship ➔ Nope
► Do you want to be ➔ Not really...I guess m confused...yes
► When was your last relationship ➔ 4-5 years ago
► Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? ➔ Yes
► Do you still love them ➔ No way *shudders*...actually yes.....
► Do you like someone right now ➔ Hmnnn....No comments.....
► Do you and your family get along ➔ Pretty well surprisingly ► Would you say you have a "fucked up life"➔ Nope.. I <3>
► Have you ever run away from home ➔ When I was 12 I tried to run away...from ma tution
► If so, how long ➔ I didnt last 15 mins.. No one noticed i was gone lol
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Nope =p
► If so, how long ➔ ...
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Not really
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Yes
► Do you trust all your friends ➔ Yeah.. I trust blindly thus get into trouble often..;)
► Who are/is your best friend(s) ➔ Ruby and Bobby
► Would you die for them ➔ Hell no...hmnnn.. actually yes
► Who knows everything about you ➔ My mum and best friend.....
► If so, how long ➔ I didnt last 15 mins.. No one noticed i was gone lol
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Nope =p
► If so, how long ➔ ...
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Not really
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Yes
► Do you trust all your friends ➔ Yeah.. I trust blindly thus get into trouble often..;)
► Who are/is your best friend(s) ➔ Ruby and Bobby
► Would you die for them ➔ Hell no...hmnnn.. actually yes
► Who knows everything about you ➔ My mum and best friend.....
Awsome day today !
An Awesome day today....Except I burnt my tongue while having breakfast.. :P
I woke up pretty early and went directly to the the bakery to get some bread and cheese, to prepare some toast sandwich for breakfast...I didn't find mum there so I started my self....
I stepped on some glass which was unknowingly placed at gallery while renovating my house and cut my foot---though not badly (mum had gone to fetch a broom to sweep it).......Then mum came back and started jumping "DON'T BLEED ON THE NEW CLOTHES!"Phew.Maybe I'm adopted or something!
I started cleaning when the bleeding stopped.....Then I remembered I was allergic to dust so I tied a dupatta on my face...I hadn't had breakfast so I got lightheaded in a while with all the dust around and ALMOST fainted thus hitting my head hard on the wall....THAT woke me up :p...Then I remembered I had to go to Parel at Nickeldon office for some audition were lined up for the channel....
I boarded the local Dadar train at 1300 hours. With me a stout and real fat lady too boarded the same compartment...and this lady stepped on my foot and jabbed her elbow in my side.. Even when I screamed she just gave me a look and walked away..
Where have all the polite people disappeared off to???Grrrrrrrrrrr......
I am one of those overly polite people that if someone bumps into me (their fault) I feel inclined to apologize to them
Reached the Nick office which is at M-TV road at 1425 hours and saw some real cute children approaching me for audition...the audition was of Nick promo add film..well, it was pretty difficult to judge those wonder kids...flawless dialog's....maaaan....It really turned out to be very difficult for me to say which kid is "The best"....Winded up with audition by 1700 hours.....Was extremely hungry by now... So I went to get some donuts for me and my colleague and the bill was of 225rs.. Where-in I had only 200rs. with me and my handbag was placed in the special locker given to me at the office....It was actually getting on to my nerves to go back and get the bag and hand o'er the money.....So i requested him to charge 200 Rs....Guess what???? he didn't uttered a single word.....well that was indeed a weired look he gave to me......
When I left the Office I realized I have to pay 25 Rs. to the cafe owner....So I went back and handed over that 25 Rs. to him.....And he just stared at me.....Even when I handed the money to him, all I got was a blank stare O_o...Damn !
On the plus side, the donuts were yummy xD......I reached home by 1900 hours, decided to risk my life further and get back to kitchen...but now now my mum seems to be my real mum and not my step mum...she had bought some fish so asked me to chill and stay away from kitchen.....and asked me to rest for a while...and also handed some cookies and a cup of tea......
Dead tired, and now off to soak in a bath then sleep for a while......
All in all it was a good yet freaky day xD
Today was uneventful (Thankfully!!)
An Awesome day today....Except I burnt my tongue while having breakfast.. :P
I woke up pretty early and went directly to the the bakery to get some bread and cheese, to prepare some toast sandwich for breakfast...I didn't find mum there so I started my self....
I stepped on some glass which was unknowingly placed at gallery while renovating my house and cut my foot---though not badly (mum had gone to fetch a broom to sweep it).......Then mum came back and started jumping "DON'T BLEED ON THE NEW CLOTHES!"Phew.Maybe I'm adopted or something!
I started cleaning when the bleeding stopped.....Then I remembered I was allergic to dust so I tied a dupatta on my face...I hadn't had breakfast so I got lightheaded in a while with all the dust around and ALMOST fainted thus hitting my head hard on the wall....THAT woke me up :p...Then I remembered I had to go to Parel at Nickeldon office for some audition were lined up for the channel....
I boarded the local Dadar train at 1300 hours. With me a stout and real fat lady too boarded the same compartment...and this lady stepped on my foot and jabbed her elbow in my side.. Even when I screamed she just gave me a look and walked away..
Where have all the polite people disappeared off to???Grrrrrrrrrrr......
I am one of those overly polite people that if someone bumps into me (their fault) I feel inclined to apologize to them
Reached the Nick office which is at M-TV road at 1425 hours and saw some real cute children approaching me for audition...the audition was of Nick promo add film..well, it was pretty difficult to judge those wonder kids...flawless dialog's....maaaan....It really turned out to be very difficult for me to say which kid is "The best"....Winded up with audition by 1700 hours.....Was extremely hungry by now... So I went to get some donuts for me and my colleague and the bill was of 225rs.. Where-in I had only 200rs. with me and my handbag was placed in the special locker given to me at the office....It was actually getting on to my nerves to go back and get the bag and hand o'er the money.....So i requested him to charge 200 Rs....Guess what???? he didn't uttered a single word.....well that was indeed a weired look he gave to me......
When I left the Office I realized I have to pay 25 Rs. to the cafe owner....So I went back and handed over that 25 Rs. to him.....And he just stared at me.....Even when I handed the money to him, all I got was a blank stare O_o...Damn !
On the plus side, the donuts were yummy xD......I reached home by 1900 hours, decided to risk my life further and get back to kitchen...but now now my mum seems to be my real mum and not my step mum...she had bought some fish so asked me to chill and stay away from kitchen.....and asked me to rest for a while...and also handed some cookies and a cup of tea......
Dead tired, and now off to soak in a bath then sleep for a while......
All in all it was a good yet freaky day xD
Today was uneventful (Thankfully!!)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Have You Ever Dreamt of YOUR MAN?????
Today, In the late evening I had couple of Friends from my ex-hotel who surprised me by giving me an unexpected visit to my place. They dragged me away from my computer, cell phone and blogs for some time. Gosh ! we gossiped n gossiped about all friends, their girl-friends, their boyfriends, their success love stories, their break-ups, the parties, the tours, the roll-outs, the camping, the fights everything....Those were wonderful days.... Neha (My friend) who reminded me of Philip Bryson (Ex-GM of Renaissance) debates on what qualities does a girl want o see in her Man????Lord that debate was indeed wonderful...We still don't believe that we actually came up with our views...Me too yaar...I mean to say "A long-long list of qualities.....I remember my list was too loooooong...and everybody was looking at I raised my voice innocently, "Is it too much that I am asking for?" and one of my colleague friend Vishwas answered" Nahi re...Bus itna hi???List kaafi chotta hai(List is too should have added more...)" hahahaha... I would like to jot down some lines, just in case if i ever forget my terms n conditions ;) and who knows If my dream Man visit this it would become easy for him to know what I actually want in my Man........Well, lemme start.....
I want a man who is handsome(not mandatory) and treats me well, but doesn't just give into whatever I say.... I want a man who knows what he wants out of life and pursues it with all his heart..... I want a man who when I look into his eyes I see the love he has for me and I know that it will never die..... I want a man who will surprise me with a dozen roses, just because I am what I am.... I want a man who accepts me the way I am and thinks I'm beautiful even when I'm not wearing make-up and my hair's all a mess..... I want a man who will wait for me by his car for half-an-hour after the time I was supposed to meet him because I didn't like my outfit, and then tell me I look gorgeous..... I want a man who will show me off to his friends while wearing his t-shirt.... I want a man who wants to be with me forever and tells me so, often.....I want a man who voices his opinions and is up-to-date on current events and does not mind talking with me about them.... I want a man who is never bored with me and constantly finds new things to do..... I want a man who has a life outside of me, but that outside life should not deter him from spending time with me..... I want a man who gets jealous when i talk about other men, but not so much that he'll limit my freedom..... I want a man who can tease me out of my bad mood when I'm upset..... I want a man who is my best friend..... I want a man who'll make me feel special, make me feel like I am walking in the air.....Who will love me and take pride in being with me.....Somebody who can really-really love me.......I know that this is a very tall order and that no guy can ever be perfect but I want a man who tries to be my perfect man, even if he slips up, a lot! anyways I am always there to hold him
Friends do you know anybody who matches the above criteria??????
O mere sapno ke saudagar...mujhe aise jagah le jaa...
Mein chahti hoon mere humsufar...mujhe pariyon ki duniya dikha....
Yeh pariyon ki basti..sitaaron ka majmaa...
yahan goonjta hai...mohabbat ka nagma...
yahan pyaar ke hai deewaane sabhi...chahat hi sabkuch yahan....
Pariyon ki duniya ke mehmaan ho...chalo tumko sair karaye...
Kahan hai woh sapno ka saudagar...chalo hum usse dhoond laye.....(
One of my favorite song.....Goes with the situation you see.....
Monday, February 1, 2010
Twinkle-twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are????

Twinkle-twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are?
Up above thew world so high
like a diamond in the sky!...amazed????well, M reciting a poem...Wathing stary-stary night today from the window...I wish I could reach the stars !
Shiny objects far far away.....they glimmer and look pretty on a dark evening sky.
They make us feel small and wondrous. With their bare existence they make us dream about all of the unbelievable visions. And Great people get to knowingly carry their name with everlasting pride of being one of a kind. Of standing out in the crowd. Living a materialistic, luxurious life surrounded by beautiful people loaded with White, red and green pieces of paper that can buy them whatever they want.
Is that a stars feeling of true happiness? Or do they feel lost with the sense there's nothing more to life?
Why do we see all these stars go down? and why do we always try reaching them?....
Is that a stars feeling of true happiness? Or do they feel lost with the sense there's nothing more to life?
Why do we see all these stars go down? and why do we always try reaching them?....
Hmnn...dreams are always seen with open eyes...I just...just..... love the stars
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